Semana Artística 2023

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Invitación día de oración por nuestros hijos

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Celebración del día del Estudiante

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Culto de Acción de Gracias

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Charlas Departamentos de Pedagogía y Licenciatura en matemáticas a cargo de la UCN

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Salida Pedagógica Estudiantes de 4°Medio. Electivo de estilos de vida activos y saludables

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Acto de Investidura CEAL 2023.

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Día de la Convivencia Escolar.

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Día del Carabinero.

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Día del Libro 2023.

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.