Feria Vocacional 2023

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Ceremonia de Premiación Primer Semestre 2023

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Jornada de Auto cuidado para Equipos de Trabajo

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Actividades de Aniversario N° 80

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Uso de TIC en el Colegio

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Salida Pedagógica Estudiantes de Educación Parvularia

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Día Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Invitación Culto Aniversari80

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Uso de mascarilla obligatorio

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Cápsula Informativa Enfermedades Respiratorias

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.