Jornada de Premiación 2º Semestre

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Licenciatura 4º Medio

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Semana del párvulo

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Café Arte

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Acto de Finalización de academia de teatro

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Despedida de 4º Medios

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.
Festival Song. Departamento de Inglés 2023

The Workshop focused on Dr. Templeton’s The Jareks, adapted by Edward Ford and brought to the stage by Nathan Xavier.